Our curriculum at Cribden House is one that whole-heartedly promotes our purpose statement; 'We instil the belief to succeed!'.

Children at Cribden House follow one of three pathways; Being Pathway (semi-formal curriculum), Doing Pathway (semi-formal curriculum) or Thinking Pathway (formal curriculum).

Across all pathways, we have four main aims of our curriculum which underpin all area and are derived from our school vision; 

To develop children's communication
To develop children's independence
To maintain children's mental health and wellbeing
For every child to enjoy their school experience

All learning is planned specifically to meet the needs of individual children (as outlined in their EHC Plan).

Children who are on the Being Pathway follow a experiential play-based curriculum rooted in the child's own world and experiences with high levels of sensory exploration, aiming to develop basic concepts, early communication and independence. 

Children on the Doing Pathway follow a curriculum that is largely pre-subject specific, focusing on Early Number, Early Reading and Writing and communication. Theses skills will be taught through meaningful, child-centred practical activities and structured play. This curriculum fosters a sensory approach with increased links to the world beyond the child's immediate one. Aspects of the Equals Formal Curriculum are adapted according to the needs of the children and are taught at a level at which they are able to access and succeed. 

Children following the Thinking Pathway are taught a core curriculum which is subject specific, consisting of English, Mathematics, Science, PSHRE, Topic and Outdoor Learning, using the most appropriate National Curriculum year group expectations. This curriculum explores concepts both within and beyond the child's immediate world and makes explicit links to subject areas, dealing with increasingly abstract ideas. This curriculum is delivered in a whole class teaching approach and through differentiated group teaching. There is still a strong focus on developing communication and appropriate social interaction to meet the needs of each individual child.

Strategies such as Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, PECS, Makaton and a Total Communication approach are used across school to support children to develop communication and interaction skills and to promote independence. 


We follow a whole school Thrive Approach


Our curriculum is individualised across school and varies according to the needs of each child, it aims to meet each child's need as stated on their EHC plan. The curriculum taught ensures access to a wide range of learning activities, outdoor learning and therapeutic interventions (including Thrive). Some teachers plan and incorporate core and foundation subjects into themes on a long term plan and others plan their afternoon sessions a Thrive approach.

Long Term Plan

Cribden House Long Term Plan

Curriculum Offer

Please click here to see our full curriculum offer